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Self-hosting CAEPE application instances

You can run instances of the CAEPE application as a hosted instance, or self-host it on your own public cloud or on-premise infrastructure. This guide covers how to setup a self-hosted CAEPE application instance.

Create a self-hosted CAEPE application instance from the CAEPE Application menu item and clicking the Launch CAEPE Application button.

Clicking the button displays a command to copy and paste into a terminal. The command installs the CAEPE application on the instance just created.

The script installs helm for handling dependencies and then installs and sets up those dependencies which include an NGINX ingress and the CAEPE helm charts. As part of this set up, the script configures your license and access details.

After issuing the command, the CAEPE application dashboard appears. You can login to the dashboard using the same credentials used to login to the portal.

The application dashboard provides an overview of cluster and application resources and their health.

This guide shows you how to install and setup CAEPE on a single Kubernetes cluster.


CAEPE uses Helm charts to install components, verify you have version 3.0.0 or higher with the following command:

helm version --short

Add Helm repositories

CAEPE uses the NGINX ingress to manage access, first add it's Helm repository:

helm repo add ingress-nginx

Add the Helm repositories for the CAEPE resources:

helm repo add CAEPE
helm repo update

Verify that Helm added the repositories:

helm repo list

Install Ingress

Install the NGINX ingress to the cluster with the following command:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
  --repo \
  --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace \
  --set controller.replicaCount=2

Verify that Helm installed the ingress:

helm list -A

Get the public IP address of the Ingress controller and note it for later steps:

kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx

Install CAEPE

NOTE: Temporarily you need to follow these steps.

git clone -b develop
cd CAEPE-saas-operator/helm

Install the CAEPE components to the cluster with the following command, replacing {EXTERNAL_IP} with the public IP address of the Ingress controller:

helm upgrade --install   -f ./CAEPE/values.yaml CAEPE  ./CAEPE \
--set acceptTOS=true \
--set ingress.hostname={EXTERNAL_IP}  \
--set ingress.scheme=https \
--set scheme=https \
 --set licence="free10nodes" \
 --version 0.5.1

Verify that Helm installed the CAEPE components:

kubectl get pods -n CAEPE

NOTE: Temporarily you need to patch the image tags in the deployments:

kubectl edit deploy web -n CAEPE
  • Change CAEPEsh/CAEPE-api to preview-CAEPE-28 tag.
  • Change CAEPEsh/CAEPE-ui to dev2 tag or v2 tag.
kubectl edit deploy manager -n CAEPE
  • Change CAEPEsh/CAEPE-manager to preview-CAEPE-212 tag.

Open the {EXTERNAL_IP} address to access the CAEPE UI.

Last update: 2022-12-19
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