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Deployment Canary Create

caepe deployment canary create

Create a canary deployment

caepe deployment canary create [flags]


      --activity strings                  Activitiy to be carried out post a deployment. Options are (smoketest)
  -a, --application string                Application reference. (required)
  -b, --branch string                     Branch in repository to use if using git repository
  -c, --cluster string                    Cluster group to deploy to. (required)
      --description string                Description of the deployment
      --existing-deployment string        Existing deployment ID to use for canary deployment
      --existing-deployment-traffic int   Deployment traffic distribution. Minimum 1, maximum 99
  -h, --help                              help for create
  -n, --name string                       Name of the deployment. (required)
  -s, --namespace string                  Namespace to deploy the deployment to. Default uses the namespace specified in the application
      --payload-json string               String representing JSON payload
      --router-type string                Router type to use for handling traffic. Choose from: [nginx istio linkerd] (default "nginx")
  -t, --type string                       Deployment type. Choose from: [smoketest standard] (default "standard")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --auth-host string      hostname for authentication for caepe, i.e (required)
      --config string         config file path (default /$HOME/.caepe/config)
      --debug                 output debug logs
      --dry-run               do not send the request to server
      --hostname string       hostname of caepe. (required)
      --organization string   organization to interact with. (required)
      --raw-output            show raw output
      --scheme string         Choose from: [https http] (default "https")
      --skip-tls              ignore tls certificate verification


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Jan-2025
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